Challenge: App marketplaces and side loading are about to explode as regulations change. Google Play needed to reinforce its value as the ultimate platform for apps and gaming alongside launching their Play Points loyalty program.

Solution: Google Play teamed up with 100 Thieves to launch “Wildcard,” a surprise-and-delight rewards experience for Play Points members at the annual celebration of mobile-gaming’s crown jewel Pokémon GO! ‘Wildcard’ drops surprised Play Points attendees and viewers on-stream including reheating and giving away the coveted 100 Thieves x Pokémon apparel line.


  • Generated 37M+ impressions

  • Delivered 7,000 Wildcard redemptions, 2x the anticipated rate, highlighting the program’s strong appeal to Play Points members.

  • Achieved 114% in-booth attendance compared to benchmarks, with 99% of the collection claimed on-site.

  • Produced 84 pieces of content, driving sustained engagement and elevating Google Play’s presence in gaming culture.

In classic drop fashion, 100Thieves + talent announced the re-heat and upcoming collaboration in the days leading up to the festival

The Festival
Across the weekend we rewarded members with exclusive, money (literally) can’t buy apparel, meet & greets, and extended that experience across talent live streams during and after the festival.

Brand Social


Strategy + Creative: Harley Garner
Creative + Production: Peter St. Lawrence
Production: Jessica Anselmo
Program Lead: Kerry Landolfe